Dev log 0.146 is now out to Patrons! Version 0.145 is now available to the Public!

Hey guys, version 0.146 is now available to our Aristocrat tier patrons and will slowly trickle down the tiers over the next coming days,
But the version 0.145 is now available to the public! Both changelogs have been included below so you can see what changes have occured!
You can find the latest public build here! (Will be updating the page more shortly):
0.146 changelog:
- world map & travel
- dros romance & corresp. content
- mal's shop is now working
- church location
- new mc artwork
- black diamond arena
- skill tests, currently used for charisma rolls in quests. Whenever you see one, you'll see a "drama" icon (two masks). Percentage tells your odds on "passing" the skill test.
- cheat menu replaced with cheat codes
Party battle:
- a bunch of combat sounds
- cancel skill button
- music lists as opposed to fixed tracks
- floating numbers (dmg)
- From Another World quest now ends with a tavern scene
- The Dark Knight quest (after From Another World) - The Bloodhound quest (after The Dark Knight)
- A Graceful Rebirth quest (after High Fashion) qol/fixes:
- a bunch of 'Regina's replaced with [regina_ref]
- restored accesibility menu (a key)
- restored self-voicing (v key)
- made "goodbye" choices always the bottom-most ones - sometimes waiting would be blocked if ya skip too fast, not anymore (hopefully)
- arwen scenes static placeholders replaced with anims
- bunch of typos/text edits (umicans anyone)
- consistent infection change across any and all sex scenes
- startup disclaimer is a text now, not a picture
0.145 Changelog:
- new character: arwen, a prostitute that cosplays occasionally
- 3 sex scenes (involving arwen).
- 2 (4 variants) cosplay sex scenes involving arwen
- palam tower now has a night music theme
- library has a new background art
- party battle turn counter/side indicator
- party battle ui no longer blinking in/out of existence
- first combat sound: bottle pop, expect more
- options to delete persistent data and saves
- new adventurers guild' background sprite
- mad prophet wanders about novaras
- new book readable at vala's
- added small unique scenes in case nijah & elena are at mc's at the same time
- black diamond not immediately available if you take the bloodbath route, extra scene there
- clothes shop new background & sound (after you bring the power crystal)
- nijah can now be impregnated on vaginal sex
- a bunch of scenes revolving around nijah pregnancy
-lukkan can be found at the tavern every few nights
- extra dialogue lines for nijah post-damzel quest
- new kylisa sprite
- entire ves questline revisited, reworked into separate quests & polished up
- no-lingerie version of ves 69 scene added
- some ves sex scenes improved visually
- ves tent flap soundbank
- adara reunion ("visit her at iron unicorn at night") turned into a quest, to avoid players getting lost
- Sister Divine dialogue slightly altered to not clog up questlog
- resting now ticks clock per-hour of rest - resting also plays a clock sound
- you can now rest up to 24h
- "relationship with character changed" now lists char. name
- clock choice icon to indicate events that are gonna take up quite a bit of time
- elena music theme improved
- regina story description improved
- vala first meet scene only happens at day
- gallery is now 5 gold per view
- nijah rescue sequence only happens after the "parasite dream"
- sunrise/dusk times tweaked to match those on the ingame day/night circle
- missing nijah house name fixed
- plenty of grammar fixes
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