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This has possibly been abandoned without notification to keep drawing sales and subscriptions from patreon.

(1 edit)

It has not been abandoned. We're just working on a major update.

We post at least semi regularly, once every 1-2 weeks on our platforms' development news. 

We aren't as 'active' here, but we do update the builds when we have new content.

You can also contact us pretty much anytime on the discord, and we'll respond within a reasonable time.


If I purchase the game now will I have access to future updates on

Привет ваша страница на Дискорде ещё работает и можно узнать чит коды на версию 160?

Привет можно чит коды здесь тоже выставить

you guys should do something like this for Elena

Is this just the prologue but expanded? it has being since forever that parasite black is just an prologue with a lot of side quests and optional romances.

Did you make progress with the main story?

The major update to round off act 1 is being worked on currently, stay tuned~ 

Well damn, finally there is updates to this man. Been forever since i last played it. Hope more things are in it.

well this is my first my playing game Parasite Black , it's so amazing and l love it, Damned Studios. l like the character is names CASPIAN  ( default ) and l would love to see more gallery CASPIAN while transform parasite black as know as venom ( l think ) in the next update future. 

Do saves not cross over? I bought the Steam version and tried bringing my 0.157 saves over and it crashes.  Do I need to restart or is there a fix?

Save compatibility show be fully working (now) as of 0.160. Prior to that, builds are too unstable.

после покупки игры где я могу найти чит-коды


How do i get the cheat codes?

If you bought the game here with you have to rebuy it on steam also i like to play this on android so is there an android version of the final game

(1 edit) (-1)

Hey, saw this game and was interested, but I don't like the main character at all except in his monster form, can you basically just only/always be in the monster form? Or do you have to be in the human form sometimes?

Привет куда пропали разработчики есть какая нибудь информация по игре от них?

I remember i've played some of this many months ago, when it was still for free. I believe the main character was sexier in his regular form than in the muscular form... I wonder whether things have changed

Hi, I sent you a message on NewGrounds about this new update. thanks!

Why is there such a price discrepancy between the one and OppaiMan's site?

(4 edits)

The oppaiMan  is a new collab. This page should be updated with all the correct links and things - but as we're launching on steam, pricing and how things work are going to change across the board, because we will need to sell the latest update(s) under Steam TOS, pricing *has* to match what it'll be on steam. (a la our highest standard tier on patreon).


wow did they realy just update the price even its barely started and still is buggy... they just raise the price and dont even post whats new in the update thats well... you do you i guess

(2 edits) (+1)

The prices haven't been 'raised' - Our tiers have always been 18, 9, 3 in that order, with the build trickling down to lower tiers supporters every 5 days.  We also just posted an update 10 days ago. See above comment for wider explanation on changes regarding Steam TOS and things.

(1 edit)

does the game give a sign if i'm at the end of the current content? i cant seem to find any more quests to do but i see in a comment there is more then 16 romances and in the menu i have i think 7 people.

As of the latest build about to go live for 'infantry knights' in the next 2 hours, your journal should indicate how many quests are left to do.


hi, in the new version for android, you can return the quick menu and add text magnification and roll back to the left??

hi, in the new version for android, you can return the quick menu and add text magnification and roll back to the left

привет можно узнать когда будет обновление


Is there a character customization option of the main character? I.E. changing hair, skin tone, and etc?


This game has a huge obsession with dicks, literally. If you arent gay I would avoid this one


There are two male characters you can romance currently and one futa. All of which are optional. There are currently more than 16 female romances...


quick question but who are these two male characters? because i can't seem to find them at all

Is there a way to download on Iphone 14

The short answer is no; the longer version involves you getting Xcode, RenPy and a decompiler for the same, afaik. You’d have to set up a developer account and recompile it for yourself. That said the last iPhone I had was the 4s, and the last Mac I drove daily was running 10.9 at the end of its life, so YMWV.

okay thank you I appreciate it 

(1 edit) (-8)

Thanks "Damned Studios" ...for nothing!!!

It's disappointing to see that we buy games with bugs,  the dialogs are faulty, some words don't make sense, and the writings / fonts are so small that you get headaches....

By the way if you Google this problem , it's nothing new, you guys have this problem for a long time, a lot of people ask you to increase the font size!!! Is that so hard????

And the worst there nobody that it's intends to help, no support at all, thanks Damned Studios


lmao it's a game that's essentially in alpha, not sure what you were expecting


I was expecting an answer, maybe a solution...if it's in alpha then some troubleshooting it's normal when you pay for something 🤷🏼


A ton of problems that take time and have several levels of priority are normal when you pay for alpha. It's alpha. Cool your jets and wait lol It's on version 0.1x for Christ's sake.


Dude, that would be a good answer from them, but came nothing from them.... And besides you can Google it yourself... The font size it's not a new problem, a lot of people have that...but the version 0.153 was 49 days ago released.... And not 2 years ago... At that pase will get a fix in 10 years....

But I didn't even wanted that, jest some tips how I fix this myself.

 And it's nice if you to take thir side, ... But how about you cool your houses and let "Damned Studios" answer my question .

I appreciate it 👍🏼


The problems with android is already known but the issue is deeper than a simple 'fix' answer. Increasing the font will destroy the UI because it's been built arounds windows etc. As such, I can only say the issue is noted and will be looked into when available - but I do not have a short term fix to offer unfortunately.


Upon speaking to the coders, we're going to *try* a beta implement to allow people to change font size. This is a complete shot in the dark, the the UI for android may entirely need re-tooling but we'll see. 

We plan to launch a tech build hopefully by the end of this month.


(2 edits) (-2)

Hi, maybe you can help me a bit, any chance that I can make the writing a bit bigger on the android version... It's a bit hard to concentrate and read the small writings...

I it possible to increase the font size... Edit a .ini file or something?  

How can I activate the debug console?

Is it possible to extract the APK, and edit in res the layout? If yes which one do I need to edit?

It seems be  a good game it's a shame the the dialogues are such a small size that it's hard to read. I wish the ware in settings a option to increase the font size like by other renpy games.

I appreciate any help , thanks 

(3 edits)

Okay, people need to learn the difference between "bob" and "bop". People don't "bop their head up and down". They BOB their head. If you're frustrated maybe you BOP someone on the head. This game has some of the best writing I've seen in similar games but "bop" threw me. Also, you don't wake up ON a place, you wake up IN it. "Woke up IN the ward" for example. There's a lot of editing that needs to be done imo.

Now I'm wondering why the tavern lady Shay has three lips.


We have someone doing proof-reading and editing (for free), ideally, we'd like to be able to afford a professional editor/proofreader to assist, but right now, it's out of reach with our current budget unfortunately. Though hopefully that will change as we continue to grow.

Otherwise we are playing on an anroid and there are no buttons please return the buttons

Hi, a very great game, but please, you can return the buttons and add a rollback button to the left??

How do you use cheats?

I want to skip the fights

Input cheat codes in options. A rose will appear in the corner of your screen if done correctly.



Hi, I noticed another Damned Studios that posted Parasite Black on this site as well—just letting you know. 

(2 edits) (+2)

Noticed it as well. These scam versions of games are becoming a real nuisance on itch. It's daily now.

It's getting to a point I no longer trust anything getting posted on this website.

You can recognise them rather quickly as all of them have comments turned off (so no one can warn people to not click on any links and download sus files on their systems/devices) and no links to Patreon/subscribe star pages are posted (most of the time).


We've reported it, (hopefully).

Hi, you can ask when all the buildings will be available and you can also find out what the password for the cheat code is?

All cheat codes are listed over on our Patreon/subscribestar. 

Hi, it's possible here too, not everyone has access to patreon One more question, tell me when all the other buildings will be available and the relationship with Erica can be developed


If I buy it now, do I have access to future updates?

So that we can choose the text size ourselves, otherwise the text and font are small

Привет, в новой версии не могли бы вы добавить кнопки отката слева, а также добавить настройки

Hope to have Chinese

We have a few translators assisting us.


我们正在等待粉丝翻译的回复,我们在 0.153 版本中至少已经部分翻译了。

Is there a way to make the text size bigger on android ? Literally hurts my eyes because the text is so small, please add the option to change its size. Thanks.

The android file will not install the update. Does anyone else have the same issue ?

If you have an older version of the game, try uninstalling and see if that works. Otherwise, what message do you get when trying to install?

(1 edit)

Updated new links together with the newest UPDATE!!! 

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