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I've got some very mixed feelings about this one! I'll start with the positives. For one thing, it's one of the nicest Ren'Py games I've seen on Itch so far. There's a bare bones combat system implemented that shows promise for the future. The sound design is very top notch, I thought all the foley and sound effects were very nicely chosen. On the other hand I do have some criticism's... The scope of the plot is kind of strange and all over the place, imo. Can spot clear plot inspirations from Attack on Titan & Game of Thrones and even Starship Troopers of all things. In fact, it's easier to think of this as some kind of erotic crossover fanfiction spinoff than it's own thing. I don't want to criticize the combat too much as it's clearly a prototype and the creator is working on making it better, I imagine. They've said something about an overhaul of the whole game so I imagine a lot of the issues I mention are already on their way to being fixed. My other biggest problems would be the shortage of romance options in the game. So far I'd say there's about two and a half that I've found so far. I'd like to see more variation in the romance options as well. I don't just mean personality's of the women, I also mean body types. Make the women more distinct as the current 3 options are all... too similiar. The art style isn't consistent. This is being worked on and fixed, I've read. But it's quite jarring. I started the game in Not-Winterfell and got sent to the wall to fight the not-white-walkers, grumpkins and snarks, only to wind up in a strange bootcamp mashup of Starship Troopers and Attack on Titan, maybe a pinch of full metal jacket. Got sent to Klendathu where Dizzy gets killed by an arachnid. Then I found the titan serum which, ended up transforming me into a marvel universe symbiote. Which is aight because it made my character more handsome and chiselled and stuff. But man, this paragraph should paint the idea of all the clashing art styles and ideas going on in this game. As well, more complaints about the women. I just didn't find any of them particularly attractive. Should definitely spice them up a lot more. Your scout-wife looks very unattractive in her full combat getup and when she loses the clothes it doesn't have enough of a "Grand Reveal" feeling to it. Maybe hide something under the clothing like interesting tattoo's with backstory's or scars or something, so we can learn about the female character by romancing her. As it stands the sex scenes feel entirely arbitrary and have little impact on the plot. It's also really silly to mention this, especially since it's something being worked on, but during combat, when my character attacks, his foot lifts off the ground and points towards the enemy, very strangely. It almost makes me laugh which is, again, jarring, given the setting and general atmosphere of the game. I want to finish the review strong though, and mention how I have high hopes for this game despite the initial awkwardness you can find in this beta version. It seems to have a strong artistic vision it's moving towards. The audio is very good. As well, I haven't mentioned at all how much I appreciate the solid writing of the game. I poked fun at the plot structure, but when interacting with NPC's, I noticed no spelling mistakes, or sloppy amateur sounding writing like in several other erogames out there right now. I even enjoy Markus as a Deuteragonist. He's fun. None of the characters speak in an unbelievable way and I'm thankful that this game holds back on spewing paragraphs of author tract at you like most erogames and visual novels tend to do. Every visual novel or erogame tends to have a lot of rambling about inane subects nobody cares about somewhere in the game. Whereas, in this game, I only ended up skipping some of the combat scenes that didn't involve actual combat. The battle between the dwarf dude and the Balrog for example, felt a bit long winded, over the top, overly long and overly detailed. He wasn't exactly a memorable character to begin with (he looks like he walked off the set of the Warcraft Movie) and so when he began to face his inevitable demise I kind of rolled my eyes and began double-tapping my spacebar like a paintball gun to slog through all the dialogue. And whence he was dead I didn't really mourn him in any significant way. It didn't effect the plot too deeply. It was just a semi random event that went into a deep description of the gorey battle between the two.... for some reason? Besides looking like a dwarf out of World of Warcraft, he wasn't a very compelling character. As well, it feels somewhat out of place in a comical way, yet again, that your drill instructor is basically a brawny midget who dies anyway shortly after you bother remembering to memorize his name. Also, having watched Starship Troopers, I'd say your scoutwifes death is entirely too predictable. She even dies, almost shot for shot, the same way as Dizzy did. You know damn well what I'm talking about lol. I don't mean to shit on your project, I just mean to say her demise was very much seen coming by me a mile away, you need to work on that, maybe make it less predictable that she's your Aerith. All that being said, I still really enjoyed this game, especially considering I didn't drop a dime on it. (Sorry! I'm broke as a joke!) If you could like, expand upon the content by like 14 hours and VASTLY improve the combat, I could see myself really sinking my teeth into that as a satisfying experience. For some suggestions on how to improve the combat: -Shaders, shaders, shaders!! -Attack/spell animations besides rotating arms and a sound effect -Screen shakes/Screen Flashes -Don't let me see my characters health fall into negative values. Markus got struck and his health fell all the way to -24, then he died. It works good for debug purposes to see this, and see how the attacks are working "under the hood" but don't let your player see this. It comes across very amateurish. Once the value hits 0 it shouldn't fall any further. It breaks immersion. Anyway, I loved the game. I hope to see much more of it and I'd love to see how it expands and unfolds as time goes on. One final note, maybe try and change the art for the players transformations. As it stands the two of them remind me of Venom and Carnage and... blegh. It clashes really hard with all the allusions made to game of thrones and attack on titan to have these spidey-verse characters flying around in the fields like that. It's extremely odd. I can't understate how jarring and strange it was to see my characters final transformation. They don't look like they belong anywhere in this game. You really need to fix that, lol. Anyway, good luck, I'll be keeping a close eye on this one!


(1 edit) (+2)



is there any content with ves right now ? i don't see the option to buy what she asked for.


Hey guys, just to you all know the update is still on-course and planned for this month. Thank you to everyone still checking in! 

(2 edits)

Just started playing this and i can't see the s*x scene lmao. I'm playing on Android the letter thing is on the way can't see it :(. Much better if they add the "HIDE" in the bottom or maybe add gallery which is those H scenes and then just replay it much better if the letter thing is not in there anymore since u already know the text in there isn't? Well that's my only problem in this game. Well actually I just played this like 5% on it since my sister is on my goddamn room. And yeah I hope they may add something in next update and those I mentioned I hope they add it. The game is looking forward on next update. 


We're having some issues with Android and MAC at the moment, but we're looking into it. We have a plan to input a ingame gallery soon along with many other major improvements with the upcoming revamp work(s) - The first part to the revamp will be in late March   

 Idk if anyone is having any problems with rolling back but, the rollback controls are not working for the windows update.

I can't open the Mac version after downloading, it says

The application “ParasiteBlack” can’t be opened.


yea idk why, I have the same problem

Deleted 3 years ago

yeah same


We're working to address the MAC issues, sorry for the slow reply - We HOPEFULLY should have the issues resolved with the upcoming update.

How do you buy more health potions?

You'll be able to buy more health potions with the upcoming update, which will introduce a store into the game as well as other content/technical improvements etc.

ay thank you.

Where do I find 5 Bronze? Need help.

Go outside the castle gates and fight demorais there.

You can at max hunt for 2 rounds before sleeping for another day as your health would be to low by then


Man, wtf I thought I was playing this game cause I was horny. I forgot I was playing a porn game this shit sick.

Mac version does not start saying something is wrong with it. I have dl'ed it from both places and get the same error each time I try.


So just to keep people up to date here, the next update (our planned steam launch) will include a massive overhaul for the UI, combat and general quality of life stuff. We're ALSO planning on overhauling some of the old art, (like character models) to try make the art as consistent as possible, a mini-update should be put up here in a day or two (our new years special mini release), but then the next update will be the main one. Thank you to anyone who has supported us so far, we're working hard and excited to show you what we've got in the coming months :)

Are there any alternative download links?  Mega wants me to pay to get past its download cap and Google Drive says something about the file being in the owner's trash.


normally you can wait for the countdown to continue the download :)


use a vpn and refresh the page thats what works for m


Download trough the itch client doesnt work. I suspect it is a captcha problem.

So: Kiara's breasts when in the naked drawing while talking? Great. Kiara's breasts while doing the sex? How the hell did they become so big and flaccid? Her face too looked different from the previous drawings... Somehow she looked older or idk.

I must say that scene was a huge disappointment: expected something way better, after having seen the drawing of her just naked while standing

After I met ves Markus asks to meet at the iron unicorn at night but I can't and the story isn't progressing

(1 edit)

because that's all the story for now. maybe

I downloaded the game (Mac version) and when I went into the folder I couldn't find the file to open the game. Can someone help me find or tell me if I maybe did something wrong

Nvm found the problem downloaded the wrong version

(1 edit) (+2)

Hi, I need help. I got stuck after saving Ves where Markus asks to meet at the Iron Unicorn at night but there was nothing there and story is not progressing anymore.

Also Ves asks for medicine but I cannot see any active building in the Mage District.

Playing on Mac version.  Every 'return to city' prompt takes you back to housing district, instead of whatever district you were in.  Locations are mentioned which don't seem to exist (yet?), I can't find or visit Adara upon return to city, and can't find mage location to get medicine for Ves.


New update gentlemen

I think the download link is outdated it says

Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time.

Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator. i dont know but was wandering if you can help me 

Added alternative links! Thanks for letting us know.

For those interested there is a new update and you can play it here:


This game is a struggle to judge. Obviously, it's a good game, but it's just *weird* in so many ways. I'll try and go through the ones I remember.

Sprites used in dialogue can be wildly different from those used in sex scenes, or even just in wide shots. It almost feels like a bunch of different artists were used and each told a general idea of what to do but had no real restrictions. This lack of cohesion feels a bit strange, but it's not awful or anything.

The world itself is relatively interesting, the way characters actually mention dates, names, and locations make the world feel lived in. But you'll be given story beats that are extremely obvious set-ups for things that will happen later and multiple cliches are used, to the point where I was simply going "oh they've said this line, so clearly this will happen" and 15 minutes later it plays exactly how I said it would. 

Combat feels almost tacked on but it's still appreciated to break up the reading. Music is...present, sometimes. The dialogue itself (minus the cliches and set-ups) is pretty decent. I myself find dialogue to be the hardest part of writing, so the characters don't pull you out like many (*many* MANY) VNs do.

TL;DR the game is decent but weird in how it's made, I hope it continues getting better and better and that the loose threads can be tidied up.


if you're reading through the comments section of this game, grab some popcorn, cuz shit gets vocal.

(1 edit) (+1)

Overall this game seems amazing, the writers ability to capture the attention of readers throughout is astounding and had me enraptured constantly. Looking forward to seeing where this goes.

Edit: Would also like to mention the artwork is beautiful, props to the artists.

Mac version works.


A minor suggestion. see if you can get it to work through the desktop app. I'm not super tech savy so I prefer to go through methods like the desktop app because it operates like steam does. just click to install and then play when it finishes.

(3 edits)

I like it,  Tho im a little curious if they turn out to be partners, or merge into one ?  If its anything like darkness 2, then its my cup of tea.

Artwork for the princess looked hot, thats my type ^_~ So my answer was obvious when Markcus asked me who I'd go for first^_~

There will be harem options in this tho... right ?


Here is my review of the game, the story writing and setting are very great, western erotic visual novels are usually just about petty drama and what not so it's refreshing to see a game that has substance behind the story so 10/10 regarding that, as for mechanics it's not anything special but it gets 6/10 the job done, art-wise considering this was done in a limited budget I can't expect too much, with that being said it is still good so a 7/10, in my opinion, this game is a solid 7.5/10 needs some more polishing but huge potential. Look forward to what is in store for the future.


Agreed, we are already re-working on the combat so it is better looking and more fluid. And art wise we are trying to be more consistent with the artists so everything looks more or less in the same style.

Thanks for the review,



The game is pretty early in development with a lot of work still in progress. The art looks good, though the girls' 'novel'appearance differs from their 'scene' appearance for no reason(like hair color and accessories on Nija or complexion change on Kiara). The story is there, but some seemingly serious choices lead to no consequences(like the one before the final fight of this build; the one on the square was pretty atmospheric though). The combat needs work, not much else to say here. And why would you use facial animations in dialogues? My eyes are down there, on the text, and I've only noticed them waay into the game. That's just my preference though - static images allow for more details (so Nija might not've lost her chains).

Please don't let any of that rant discourage you - you're doing great work here, and I hope to see more of it.


Art is phenomenal, animations (mainly facial expressions) and combat UI are almost there; working the lore in (and having the lore in the first place) was done really well, even just with this little intro section I can feel the depth this is aiming for.

This drew me in and getting to the end and having it jumped back to main menu confused the hell out of me for a bit I was so caught up in that scene.


Intro is nice. Enjoyed it a lot. Looking-forward to more ^_^


It would be nice if you are able to make the itch client install work as it is easier to update the game for us users that way.


Hmm. Honestly I'm puzzled. Not by the game but a few comments made toward the game. This is what I have to say.

The story of the game is stellar. It captured my interest with relative ease. It dictates the lore of the world without the content being overwhelming. My favorite thing within the game is the conversation with Captain Duprey. It's rich and enthralling. 

The art and animation is good, with minor faults that don't trigger me too much. The minor fault being that MC and Markus lips do not move when they're text speech surface. Also, MC and Markus general art seem off, older even.

It's mentioned that $12,000 was spent on this project. I could see where the money was spent. And I see the passion poured into this game. And I normally don't donate. But, I would donate to this game because I could rest easy knowing that my money isn't going to waste.

The combat needs tuning. I'm sure it'll receive it as time goes on. The combat is mediocre to me, but, it isn't braindead. For the last combat available in the prologue it takes strategy to win. The combat is just lackluster at the moment. I'd recommend better combat sound effects. When I attack a target make it sound like I'm cutting into flesh; instead of the sword swinging sound.

In closing. I love this game. I look forward to its growth. And I look forward to supporting this project the first chance I get. And anyone reading this, give the game a shot, it's worth it. Damned Studios, good job, I'm now going to stalk you game. <3

P.S. cough How does one get the image that's fourth counting from the top and sixth counting from the bottom cough

Hey TheArk,

Thanks for the review. We are already reworking the combat and hopefully in the next episode it will be much, much better. Also we are reworking MC and Markus characters so that they look more polished and animated.

P.S. You will have to wait till the next episode! Sorry.



Itch client install does not work


You will be redirected to our patreon page to download (free) but you need to click twice.


I think this game receives hate that it doesn't deserve. It also doesn't help that people are paying attention to them instead of just letting them whine in a corner. Shouldn't we, the people who absolutely liked this game, comment very nice things about the game so that anyone who reads the comment section would also be interested in playing it? C'mon guys, please stop complaining about people that are complaining about the game, and instead, let's support the developers by leaving nice reviews about the game!


Thank you!


I don't see anyone complaining about the game.

(1 edit)



Anyone going NUTS over LGBTQ over a game that's still in DEVELOPMENT should understand how the rest of the world works. You literally have the same rights and freedoms as the rest of us in the FREE WORLD, so next time, try telling the next colored person your worries, lets see how that works out. 


Also the art for this game varies so much, looks stupid. You wanna jack ya meat, or flick the bean to LGBTQ stuff? Go look at porn, not whatever the fuckery this is. 


We have multiple artists working on the game, the project is huge but we intend to tighten up the art with delegations and having certain artists re-do any cross-over sections to improve artistic cohesion. 


When this game was released I knew somebody somewhere will be pissed about not having a choice of gender for the MC and LGBT, my advice is GTFO snowflakes. 


Do you think we fucking like having to complain about things constantly? Maybe instead of complaining about us having complaints, just stop being a shitty person and no one has anything to complain about. You are victim blaming right now.


Hes being an idiot, you're valid :)


But here you are complaining aren't you 

(4 edits) (+6)(-13)

Yeah. Because you're being a piece of shit. And YOU are also complaining. For no fucking reason. Unlike privileged assholes like you, LGBT people have legitimate reasons to complain, instead of being assholes just to troll people. We're not going to waste time and effort on fabricated issues because we have too many real issues to deal with. And if, as you say, you *knew* someone would complain, that means you are fully aware that there's an issue and you know it's not fabricated.


And the people who are legitimatly facing issues are fighting their battle out there in real life and not here bitching about a game in a fantasy setting online


exactly. so why are you bitching, then?

(2 edits) (+3)(-7)

Who said anything about a game? I'm pretty sure you are a real person in the real world. It's you who needs to change.

Now, if you're a spambot, that's a different matter entirely. If you aren't human, I'll just stop attempting to make you a better human.

(1 edit) (+1)

First impressions:

This might be a minor point only but the chains in the trailer really, really distract me. They were simulated at a way to low gravity. The trailer also doesn’t help narrow done my expectations about the game.

As for the art on the side of the itch page, it’s obvious that you spend the money, as it is gorgeous. If you feature any kind of non vanila sex content it might also be helpful list the kinks covered in the description of the game.

You might also want to look into the butler program made by itch that allows you upload multi-gigabyte games to itch and use itch for hosting. This makes your download links work inside the itch io launcher.

(4 edits)

“Bug:” Special attack in tutorial drops enemies health to floating point .0 instead of an integer.

“Bug:” Once enemy is attacked with a defeating blow the thing he stands on vanishes instantly while the attack animation was not performed.

“Bug:” After BJ scene the second enemy way starts wit 120/110 health

I can’t make sense under what conditions a defeated character is a game over.


Thanks! We will look at it!


...Pretty sure this is still the prologue and this MC, whose gender we have no choice in, keeps going on and on and on about the girls that he likes. Hasn't mentioned a single guy that he likes. My first "choice" is between 3 women. Seems pretty clear that the MC can only be a straight man. That's your idea of ample choice? Sounds like a complete waste to me.


The complete waste was this comment. The game is still in development I'm sure they didn't add in the Queer tag for shits & giggles, so just give it time? The game hasn't even been released for 24 hours yet ffs.


What, they're suddenly going to completely rewrite the prologue after writing more of the main game content? I don't think so. That's not how the game development process works.


You keep prologue in italics like it's going to mean something. Look you're acting a little crazy over this not being able to sleep with men thing and I'm pretty sure you're blowing it out of proportion. I never said that they were gonna change anything simply that the game was in development and that you needed to give it more time before complaining about choices. What if it's not in the prologue, but the main story? You won't know unless you just wait. And yes I know you're complaining about the prologue, but that's still literally the beginning of the game so again patience. Like there is literally no way you're that upset that you can't sleep with a man.


Wow. You are a complete fucking asshole.


Did you have a bad day today? Come down and just wait and see. No reason to be offensive.

I am very much an asshole yes, specifically to people who ask for it. Also I hope you aren't calling me homophobic cause I'm definitely bisexual.


Hello, MarloweC we added the queer tag cause in the future the MC will have the option to have sex with male, futa and transexual characters. 

(1 edit) (+1)(-14)

"In the future" only helps if I can say "fuck no, none of them" to all of the female options. That option isn't there. I have to choose one. I didn't even bother continuing beyond that point because any option I picked would make no sense at all.

Even then, if I'm going to be at all invested in attempting to play my character, he can't be constantly rambling about sexy women. In fact, that's just trash writing even if the game is entirely M/F content. Don't write preferences into a character then ask the player to control those preferences.


then just don't be a gay ass bitch and wait it out, retard


yo man chill the fuck out the games only been out a literal day if you need to fuck a man that badly check grinder. have a smoke and again chill the fuck out.


thanks for taking the time to answer fans questions don't let people like this discourage you & your team the game looks promising keep it up. 


As the writer, I can confirm futa romanceable characters are planned and will be implemented soon, some male romance characters are also planned. 

This is the prologue, and only a introduction into the world of Parasite Black. 

Thank you. 


Just curious, but are these going to be optional decisions or actually ingrained in the main game?  


Yes, there are planned to be many narrative optional decisions, everything from choosing faction sides,  to ethical choices, to romantic choices. 

(1 edit) (-9)

Are *planned*?

Ok, so the problem is you need to update the game description to reflect current reality, not your plans. If I knew so much of what's stated in the description were not implemeted yet I wouldn't have posted anything at all. My only complaint has always been false advertising.

(1 edit) (+1)

You already make two choices that impact the game...Deciding whether to visit Nijah or not and deciding whether to agree to Kiara's terms alter the course of the game.

Thus choice is still relevant to the games description. 


I haven't started the game yet, but I am a bit confused on where it says that the main character is bi or will be bi. I may misinformed, but from what I could find out these are the only tags included for the game and the line "ample choice of unique classical and fantasy characters" doesn't specify gender so it could be dudes/chicks or just chicks as all the art shows. 

On itchio the tags included are:


On their Patreon:

Fetishes included:

-BDSM (Light) 
-Fantasy beings 
-Threesomes/foursomes etc
-Glorious short Stacks 
-Cheating (Netori) 
-Hand holding. 
And more! 

I'm not seeing Queer tag, but I could also be blind af and not looking the right place.

That's because there isn't one, at no point did we ever claim the MC was gay, because he isn't.  The MC can be played as a bisexual character if you wish, but any gay content or Futa is not the primary bulk of the content,  it is there for those who want it. 


There *was* a Queer tag. They removed it, because they apparently thought that was the cause of my concern. Which only tells me they didn't pay any attention to what I was saying.

(3 edits) (+3)

We have NEVER stated the MC was gay, you just convinced yourself that. 

The MC is not gay. There are OTHER characters who are gay or futa.

You can play the MC as a bisexual character and we have ALWAYS stated that.  

If there was a queer tag added, it was to acknowledge the scenes you will be able to get, not that the whole game was going to be gay oriented... Because its not, its only a portion of the content. 

(2 edits) (+1)(-4)

Is English not your native language? Because you seem to not be able to understand my comments at all.

Or maybe you didn't actually read the public description that Damned Studios put up and are just assuming it's accurate.

(3 edits) (+2)(-1)

I understand your comments perfectly Marlowe, but what are you not getting here? 

This game is NOT and will not have a 'gay only route' and I don't get how much simpler this needs to be said?

Its not 'false advertising' because there IS gay content and futa planned, just very clearly not as much as you'd like.

 Furthermore, telling people about the content you 'plan' to add is not false advertising either, false advertising would be failing to deliver on those things promised, telling people what you plan to add is the exact opposite, it gives the consumer an honest expectation of what they can expect so they can make an informed decision on whether to support the project/keep playing or not. 

It's also fairly clear this game is not going to be for you and I hope you find a game more akin to your preferences. 

(2 edits) (+3)(-1)

So let me get this straight .... you complaining about not having lgbt content in a game that's still a couple of days in alpha release ?

Even if there isn't lgbt content in this game ,i  know for a fact that there is a lot games with lgbt content on this site and similar other sites, not to mention the amount of pornography content for it on various sites, yet here you are complaining that you cant find similar content in this particular game ?, i highly doubt that the lgbt community got you as their acting president for social rights.

To sum it up, if you don't like this game there are many others with the content you ever so desire, so kindly fuck off.

(2 edits) (-4)

No. You didn't get it straight at all. Try actually reading my posts before responding to them. Also, there is literally zero indication that this game is in alpha, nor would it have the slightest bit of relevance.

I have played several games where I was not sure whether or not they had LGBT content, because the description did not state or it imply either way. I found they didn't, and stopped playing. I didn't say anything, because I had no expectations, only questions that I could answer myself.

The description of this game offers expectations that it does not even begin to follow up on. That is my problem.

(1 edit) (+1)(-4)

why the fuck would we want man on man, gay on gay action ?  Thats gay.  Maybe you should make a game called backdoor black.


Hey guys!

Just download and have fun!


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